Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom Logo



Explore our eLearning curriculum and resources!  This collection of curriculum provides students with a fun opportunity to learn about agriculture in a traditional classroom or virtual setting.

Lending Library

A collection of over 400 resources including ready-to-use kits, books, posters, curriculum resources and more. Browse our collection and discover resources to engage and excite students!

Oregon Resources

Learn about agriculture in your community through our “Grown in Oregon” map and commodity pages or Read about about Oregon’s rich agricultural history with the Get Oregonized history book.

School Garden Resource Center

School gardens are an invaluable resource capable of sparking students’ imaginations, supporting their learning, and exciting their taste buds. Find garden based resources here!

Lesson Plans

Standards-based curriculum that uses agriculture as a context to teach core academic standards. Find curriculum resources for K-12 educators.

Oregon Careers in Agriculture

Learning materials, eBooks and videos featuring professionals and careers in agriculture. Great resources for students to learn about potential career pathways!

Partner Resources

Access links for teachers about gardening, nutrition, science, and Oregon commodity commissions. Learn about National and Regional Agricultural Organizations.