Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom Logo
Lesson Plan Categories
Grade Level
A Day Without Dairy

70 min lesson

Students discover the economic importance of the dairy industry and analyze the consequences of not having dairy.

Students will explore issues facing agriculture, analyzing each issue from the perspective of farmers, consumers and lawmakers. Using the perspectives they’ve gained they will create reliable and knowledge based messaging on each issue.

Student Worksheets available on Google Slides
Walk a Mile in Someone Else’s Shoes Worksheet
Message House Worksheet

Agricultural Inventors

45 min lesson

Back in the 1830s, a young blacksmith from Vermont, made his mark on American history. John Deere, That’s Who! is the story of John Deere and his development of the steel plow. Beautiful illustrations accompany the fun text and bring the story of this remarkable innovator to life.

Discuss changes in agriculture through time.

Explore the natural behaviors of cattle and engineer a handling system with guidance from Temple Grandin, renowned animal scientist. Students will be challenged to build a corral system using simple materials to move cattle.

Students will explore different cultures around the world, compare worldwide communities with local communities, and explain the interrelationship between the environment and community development.

Virtual learning version of this lesson can be found here.

Farm Web

45 min lesson

Students use the visual representation of a web to explore the role of agriculture in their daily lives and understand how most of the necessities of life can be traced back to the farm.

Explore agriculture as an inspiration for poetry! Students will sharpen their observation, listening and vocabulary skills through writing poetry or formatting sentences featuring fruit.

Students will learn how to determine reliable information sources on the internet to develop fact-based writing about agricultural topics.

Hungry Planet

120 min lesson

Students will explore nutritional habits of families from different countries. In this activity, students will recognize agriculture’s influence on food systems across the globe.

