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Lesson Plan Categories
Grade Level
A is for Apples

45 min lesson

Explore the growth of apples and model the parts of an apple through a fun crafty project!

Agricultural Inventors

45 min lesson

Back in the 1830s, a young blacksmith from Vermont, made his mark on American history. John Deere, That’s Who! is the story of John Deere and his development of the steel plow. Beautiful illustrations accompany the fun text and bring the story of this remarkable innovator to life.

Garnish your space travel with sweet or spicy microgreens! Students will use the Engineering Design Process to design a growing system and device to secure the growing plants that is able to withstand the lack of gravity while growing a tasty treat for them to enjoy!

Apple Faces

30 min lesson

Apples rot and turn brown because they take in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide. If apples are stored in cool temperatures, they will rot slower than they would in room temperature. Other conditions such as humidity, and the storage atmosphere also effect how quickly apples rot.

Learn concepts of trait heredity observing varieties of apples and onions. Lesson includes testing apple ripeness activities.

Students will discover traits in offspring come from parents and offspring from the same parents have different combinations of traits. This will be done through the analysis of images of two parent plants with completely different traits and 18 offspring plants resulting from the crossing of the two parents. Lesson provided in collaboration with Barleyworld, OSU, https://barleyworld.org/education

Find virtual learning versions of the lesson here.

Breakfast Relay

60 min lesson

Many students think products simply come from factories or stores. This hands-on activity helps students understand that before an item ever leaves a factory, or enters a store, it began as a resource or product in the natural world – most likely agriculture while also teaching the importance of breakfast and exercise.


*This lesson plan is similar to our Source Relay lesson plan. Click the link to check it out!

Students will sort samples of barley based on color and hull type to create histograms. They will hypothesize and investigate the outcomes of planting barley seeds of one color and planting a random mix of different colors. Students will analyze the results of barley seeds that have been planted and harvested, constructing conclusions about trait selection. Lesson developed by Barleyworld, Oregon State University in collaboration with Johannah Withrow Robinson, Briggs Middle School barleyworld.org/main/education

Find virtual learning versions of this lesson here.

This is a two-part lesson that can be done over a week. It begins by using vinegar to dissolve an egg’s shell (dissolution) without breaking the membrane that contains the egg. The shell-less eggs are used in the second part of the experiment to study osmosis, the movement of water across a membrane

Students will explore a foodborne illness outbreak in the role of an Foodborne Illness Investigator (FBII). Using a game simulation, students will determine the type of foodborne illness through the riboprinting of patients and potential contamination sources. Students will then develop their own investigation, identifying a food of their interest and create a safety protocol to prevent potential contaminants.

Find our Google Slides Student Worksheets for elearning purposes here.
