Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom Logo


Christmas Trees


Armillaria root rot can severely damage Grand fir and Douglas fir trees. This fungus can live in the soil and infect tree roots. The disease can cause the needles to turn yellow, cones to drop from the trees, and the trees to die. Armillaria root rot is common in low-quality seedlings and stressed trees.6

Watch Previous Virtual Farm Field Trips


Come Join us as we visit Dierickx Farm where our host Thomas shows us the technology that goes into farm equipment! We will go into his tractor as he prepares his soil to plant some wheat!

2023 Central Oregon Agriculture Experience


July 27, 2023 Day 1 Slides Presentation Earth’s Land and Soil Resources | View Lesson Students discover that topsoil is a nonrenewable resource and use an apple to represent how Earth’s land resources are used. Through critical thinking, students study agricultural land use and consider the sustainability of current land use practices including the use of land […]

Volunteer Resource Center


This fun hands-on activity is a great way for students to learn about germination and watch grass grow. Students fill a nylon full of soil, a sprinkle of grass seed, and watch as their buddy grows “hair”. Order Here



[…] the ground.) Ask them why the leaves that fall from the trees every year don’t just pile up higher and higher. (They break down/decompose and become part of the soil.) Explain that food can be recycled in the same way plants are recycled in the environment. Tell them that they will recycle their leftovers into a special […]

Central Oregon Agriculture Experience


[…] professional development opportunity to discover science themes in vegetable production. Participants will have the opportunity to learn from Oregon State University Extension researchers and local farmers about soil, water and vegetable production. Learn about the science researchers and farmers use that can be integrated into classroom curriculum! See specific qualifications and application below. The […]



[…] layered with sand, gravel, clay, and peat. Cranberries are planted between March and May, usually. Bogs are planted by scattering pruned cranberry vines on top of the soil. A machine then pushes the vines a couple of inches into the ground. The vines will grow roots and spread out. After a few years, the […]

Washington County


[…] Service    Your local OSU Extension Service can connect you to resources, events, and organizations that will bolster your school’s agricultural and natural resource education programs. Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District  In collaboration with Ecology in Classrooms & Outdoors (ECO) and The Wetlands Conservancy, the Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District offers six NGSS-aligned curriculum kits […]

Oregon Soil Unit


Oregon Soil Unit

Herbs and Spices


Cilantro is a green herb with soft, spiky-edged leaves. Cilantro is usually used as a topping for savory dishes. When planting cilantro, make sure to put it in a location with plenty of sunlight, such as a kitchen window sill! To thrive, cilantro needs to be planted in rich, well-drained soil.3