Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom Logo
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Agriculture surrounds us and is utilized by us everyday! In this activity, students explore Oregon agriculture through a series of scavenger hunt quests related to Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom’s “Grown in Oregon” map.

Find our Google Slides worksheets for elearning purposes here.

Agricultural Inventors

45 min lesson

Back in the 1830s, a young blacksmith from Vermont, made his mark on American history. John Deere, That’s Who! is the story of John Deere and his development of the steel plow. Beautiful illustrations accompany the fun text and bring the story of this remarkable innovator to life.

Students will learn about rangelands by participating in a hands-on activity of growing their own grass to represent a beef cattle or sheep ranch.

Students will learn about rangelands by participating in a hands-on activity of growing their own grass to represent a beef cattle or sheep ranch.

Discuss changes in agriculture through time.

Students will explore different cultures around the world, compare worldwide communities with local communities, and explain the interrelationship between the environment and community development.

Virtual learning version of this lesson can be found here.

Students learn about the small fraction of the planet available for growing food and ways this precious area can be protected. This two-part lesson is an excellent way to introduce students to the importance of preserving soil and soil’s role in feeding 7+ billion people.

This hands-on lesson teaches students about the physical and social geography of Oregon’s 36 counties. Students learn to interpret a variety of maps, glean information to answer worksheet questions and finally create a map that communicates physical and social facts about an Oregon county. As an extension to the lessons, students work cooperatively to create the questions and answers for an Oregon Geography Pursuit game.

Google Slide version of student worksheets available for elearning purposes.

The Oregon state flag is full of symbolism, some flag experts (vexillologists) say too much. This project teaches students about the flag and the meaning of its many parts. After, enjoy a trivia game and learn about Oregon’s geography, state symbols, and some historical facts. Templates to make question and answer card sets and a post quiz are attached.

In this hands-on fun activity, students learn what a soil profile looks like and the composition of soil. Students are introduced to the five soil forming factors and soil horizons.
